The DF65 and DF95 USCOA’s have agreed to join the International Class Association (ICA) to be able to have a vote on issues that affect our Classes. More information will follow but the following statement is our understanding of the effects on our class.
At this moment the DF International Class Association (ICA) is forming. The US has made its application to join the ICA and anticipates acceptance and a seat on the World Council in June 2021. The following is info about what this will mean for DF65s and DF95s.
General Explainer for the International Class Association for DF65s and DF95s.
The purpose of the International Class Association (ICA) for the DF65 and DF95 class is primarily to allow for international organization of National Class Associations so that nations can interact around our hobby and our class of sailboats. By building and joining an ICA the US will be able to have a voice in the development of the class rules and be able to compete in International regattas with allocated entry spots.
For club sailors, the primary advantage of the ICA will focus on rule development and adjustment for the class. Currently, the class associations have no formal voice in rule development or adjustment. We can propose a rule change to the “Gang of Three” but their decision holds for the rules.
For racing class sailors, the ICA will be the focal point for the organization of international and intercontinental regattas. The ICA will insure that all the nations are organizing and running regattas with the same goals and emphasis. It will also manage the distribution/allocation of spots to nations wishing to be involved in international competitions.
The ICA is set up to operate with volunteer management and the only currently anticipated cost of the organization will be a web presence. The proposed manner of funding the organization is via donations from class associations and fees to international competitors at international events.